Fred Harvey Era Jewelry


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First of all, this website is here to share our enthusiasm for Fred Harvey era jewelry and showcase some of our personal “tourist” jewelry memorabilia from our collection. Consequently, we are fortunate enough to have an original Bell Trading Post wholesale dealer’s catalog. This catalog gives you an insider’s view of wholesale and retail prices. In addition, this catalog shows you how this jewelry is for sale to Trading Posts and souvenir centers across the West.

Also, we are able to share an original Burnell’s Trading Post catalog. This catalog is has wonderful images of different types of jewelry of the time. The retailer would receive the order from the customer, and order the piece from any number of manufacturers. This way, the retailer would not have all their money tied up in Inventory.

To purchase this type jewelry, please refer to our e-commerce store: FredHarveyJewelry.com!

First of all, as you may know, Fred Harvey was a German immigrant and entrepreneur who formed a partnership with the Santa Fe Railroad. As a result, his role is to provide lodging and food service to adventurers heading West to experience the “wild” country.

Most noteworthy, Mr. Harvey does not produce jewelry himself. He encourages and guides Native American Indians to promote and sell more “tourist” looking jewelry.  Especially relevant is that at the time, the Native American Indians were not widely using these Fred Harvey era motifs of crossed arrows, dogs, thunder birds.

In addition, much of the jewelry of this era (1930’s – 1950’s) is  machine made of thin silver or nickle.  Consequently, this jewelry does not even touch a Native American Indian’s hands. At the time, there are many companies who mass produced Fred Harvey era jewelry. Most notably, these companies include Silver Arrow, Bell Trading, HH Temmen Co. and Maisel’s. As a result, these companies are located in the geographic center of Native American Indian Country: Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Fred Harvey Era Jewelry
Fred Harvey Era Jewelry
Fred Harvey Era Jewelry 1991 – 2024© Schannep Ventures L.L.C. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED